Bassin des Aigrettes

Location: 5 km east of St. Gilles les Bains
Features: Waterfalls

Bassin des Aigrettes

Although the west side of La Reunion is the dry side, many beautiful small bassins and waterfalls exist which are fed by mountain streams. One of them is Bassin des Aigrettes close to St. Gilles les Bains.
A short and easy trail leads to Bassin Comoran and Bassin des Aigrettes, the latter being the more beautiful one. The start point of the trail is at a bistro on the right side of road D10 when you come from St. Gilles les Bains. A big open air theatre is just at the other side of the road.
The trail goes downhill until you get to a fork. Left side is the way to Bassin des Aigrettes, right side leads to Bassin Comoran. A funny thing to do is to follow the small man-made stream right at the beginning of the trail before you descent. A small trail goes off to the left just after a couple of steps on the main trail. Always follow the the small stream and you'll reach a series of short tunnels (take your flashlight with you). Please note that you'll have to walk IN the stream to continue to the final destination, Bassin Malheur, which is actually not a must see. However, the tunnels are fun though and very refreshing!

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