Strokkur / Gullfoss

Location: approximately 80 miles northeast of Reykjavik, 50 miles from thingvellir
Features: hot springs, geysir, river, waterfall

Although not the only place in iceland with hot springs, the field of Haukadalur is probably the most impressive one. Featuring one active geysir "Strokkur" and a large quantity of hot springs, this is a must see for every tourist.

Gullfoss from the viewpoint
If you take the bus from Reykjavik they'll first stop at the waterfall "Gullfoss" which is also the end of the road. From there you can either walk back to the geysir or wait for the same bus to take off only one hour later and stop at Haukadalur for another one and a half hours.
I recommend the first, since you'll have more time to get some nice shots of the waterfall.

another view of Gullfoss

The big geysir (from which all active hot springs have their names from) is not active anymore, but close by is his younger brother, erupting every 5 minutes with a height of up to 30 meters. One funny thing to do when at the hot springs is to have teatime with boiled eggs and hot tea without even touching your own campstove. There is a little restaurant where you can get eggs and teabags. Then just sit down at one of the smaller springs, take some water for the tea, boil the eggs in the spring and enjoy your meal. The tea tastes a little bit like sulfur but don't worry...we did it and we're still alive plus you'll be the major attraction for the next 5 minutes.

Strokkur - from the start... the end

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